We must be specific when explaining what risk we are advertising,

Below is a simple quick picture I drew showing what I see is the issue with using RISK as a collective word. There are at least four main "risks" (I have only added a coupe of points in each to keep it simple). In the workplace the workers do not own the risk, the organisation does, it's that simple. Telling readers that we need to "embrace risk" and  "ignore rules" so we are not to be dumbed down is dangerous. The implementation of more rules and systems is all because of our addiction to being reimbursed with compensation.
As I have been saying for some time; Until a person can develop a safety program that rids litigation, safety is not going to get any better. Everyone is afraid of being sued for obvious reasons.
Yesterday I picked out a half empty packet of chips from a roadside rubbish bin and ate them...I embraced risk as no-one owns what I do! If I got sick, then that's my concern.